Adult Education

Our adult classes are open to everyone and are always changing.  Please consider joining one or more of these groups.

Bible Studies

Adult level study of the Bible from a Lutheran perspective. This group chooses different books of the Bible to discuss.

Special Classes

On occasion, we offer unique classes from Thrivent Financial, Financial Peace University, and others in a lunch and learn setting. 

Book Studies

We also offer book study classes for adults. Past classes have covered Bonhoeffer, Post Christian North America, Easter Experience, and others. Please check often to see new opportunities.

Men’s Bible Study Group

This group chooses different books of the Bible

Women’s Bible Study Groups

Early Thursday Morning Bible study chooses different books of the Bible

Late Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study chooses studies of books of the Bible, topics in the Bible such as the 10 Commandments, The Beatitudes, etc., or topics relating to faith formation and development.  This group meets from 11:00 a.m. to noon off-site.  Contact the church office for location. New members are always welcome

Thursday Morning Bible Study chooses Biblically-based studies and meets at 10:00 a.m. in the Library at St. Paul's.

Women of the ELCA

Our Mission

All women of St. Paul’s are called to discipleship and are committed to ministry and action. Their outreach to St. Paul’s, our community, and the world includes:

  • Bible Studies

  • Holiday Food boxes

  • Contributions to the homeless shelters and food pantries

  • Lutheran World Relief (mission quilts, school kits, health kits, sewing kits, layettes, and pay postage for shipping) 

  • Underwrite bus transportation to the annual Women of Faith Conference

A Ministry in Service of Our Lord

A portion of the Purpose Statement of the Women of the ELCA says we are called to discipleship and committed to ministry and action. Women of the ELCA at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is not just a women’s club, it is all women of the congregation. We are a ministry in the service of our Lord.  Bible study, prayer support and fellowship are important tools to equip us for the opportunities to share God’s word and His love with others in our community and throughout the world.  Several times a year, Women of the ELCA work with other congregational ministries to prepare and serve meals for needy families in the community.  Throughout the year, groceries are gathered to feed those who come to the church in need of help. Clothing and toiletries are donated to homeless shelters in Omaha.  Reaching out beyond our local area, we assemble school kits, health kits, layettes and sewing kits which are sent to countries served by Lutheran World Relief.  Mission quilts are another on-going project.  These are sent to regions stricken by natural disasters and  poverty.  We send Jesus’s love to those close to home and far away through our time, our talents and our resources. 

Promoting Healing and Wholeness

The congregation fills school kits

The congregation fills school kits

Women of the ELCA are committed to promote healing and wholeness.  To that end, prayer support is a vital part of our ministry.  Those who wish to add a person to the prayer chain may call the church office, and the circle Prayer Chain contacts will be notified. Caring Touch is another way in which hurting people may be helped by the Women of the ELCA. Those in our St. Paul’s family who find they have a special emergency may contact the church office.
There are many opportunities for the congregation to participate in the projects sponsored by the Women of the ELCA. To invite and encourage St. Paul’s members to contribute to these projects, lists of items needed for Lutheran World Relief kits are posted in the west front entrance to the church, . There have been quilt tying marathons, encouraging even non-quilters to help in the completion of our mission quilts. Love Circle sponsors a bake sale in February, benefiting Caring Touch and the First Lutheran Church food pantry meat freezer. The Christmas brunch is an annual time for fellowship and the celebration of the season with musical entertainment or speakers covering topics of interest to our members and guests. Second mile contributions and Christmas Boxes are other ways the congregation interacts with the Women of the ELCA to serve in our ministries.

For More Information

Women in the congregation who are interested in being a part of any of these ministries, can contact Karen Hansen.  You do not have to be a part of a circle or Bible study to participate in WELCA events but if you would like more information on these groups, please contact Karen. Several times are available for study and fellowship throughout the month.  Meeting times and locations are included in the church calendar for Faith Bible Study, Grace Circle, Hope Circle, and Love Circle.

It is our prayer that we may know and do God’s will as a part of His Kingdom while we continue to serve Him.

Karen Hansen
President St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Women of the ELCA